Category: Criminal Justice
Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association and Behavioral Health Foundation Publish New Report On Mental Health and Policing
February 22, 2024
In partnership with the Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association (GLEPHA), the Behavioral Health Foundation is excited to share a new report – “Improving Mental Health Outcomes Through Innovative Programs and Police Partnerships” – featuring case studies from newer programs that target the intersection between mental health and policing. GLEPHA’s Envisaging the Future of Law Enforcement and Public Health project showcases practical examples of law enforcement, public health, and community partnerships from across the globe. The goal of this project was to document innovative partnership approaches that explore effective and humane ways of responding to social and public health issues that have traditionally been criminalized or overly dependent on police.
Proin est tortor
June 8, 2021
Nam efficitur sem felis, sit amet iaculis mi rutrum ac. Phasellus viverra massa non est laoreet auctor. Suspendisse libero nulla, blandit in nulla id, semper rutrum odio. Phasellus at risus eros. Morbi vulputate laoreet fringilla. Nullam consectetur, massa ut suscipit facilisis, sapien diam hendrerit massa, ut ullamcorper est ante id nibh. Maecenas neque nulla, fringilla […]
Lorem ipsum dolor
June 2, 2021
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae pretium dolor, tristique sodales eros. Nam scelerisque est arcu. Vivamus fringilla ipsum velit, at sollicitudin neque placerat eu. Suspendisse ac lacus vel justo auctor hendrerit in non mi. Sed sollicitudin, lorem id ultricies placerat, mauris dolor auctor nulla, id rhoncus neque diam quis est. Sed […]